Richard Sothoron (of John)

Bequeathed Southorns Desire & personalty in father’s will of 1712 (see his Notes). Will indicates at least some of the sons were under the age of 17.

Brother Benjamin’s will of 1745/6 leaves him balance of estate, to pass to Richard’s son John on Richard’s death. Mother to have 2 slaves at discretion of Richard. (see Benjamin’s Notes).

** Land records - Maryland

Patent of Richard Sotheron of St. Mary’s Co. for Sotherons Venture, 27 acres. He identified about 34 acres adjacent to Sothorons Desire & Long Looked for Come at Last, cultivated by him. He requested warrant for survey - granted 11 Feb1767. Was resurveyed 26 March1767, found to contain 27 acres. Certified, Patents BC&GS#34:325 (not checked). (Patents BC&GS#33:67, St. Mary’s Co., 1767.03.26)

Deed recorded at request of buyer. Robert Gates of Charles Co. planter sells to Richard Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. planter the tract in Charles Co. called Loving Brothers for £30. Starts at beech tree of original tract on branch entering Piles Fresh; thence north 68° west with dividing line between parts owned by John Gates & Robert Gates, 152 perches; thence south 33° west 50 perches; thence south 68° east 170 perches to northeast line; thence with said line 44 perches; thence to beginning, containing about 50 acres. Witness: Richard Harrison, George Lee. (58{0#3}:300, Charles Co., 1767.11.13, Recorded 1767.11.28)

Patent of Richard Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for Sothorons Discovery, 138 acres. He requests warrant for resurvey of Loving Brothers, which was patented to John and Robert Yates for 535 acres on 10 Sept 1716. Resurveyed, found additional 86 acres, which was added to 52 acres bought by Sothoron from Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, Esq, "our present agent." Adjacent to Loving Brothers. Surveyed 14 Dec 1773. Calverton Manor. Certified, Patents BC&GS#51:90 (not checked). (Patents BC&GS#48:437, Charles Co., 1775.03.31)

** Land Office Debt Books - (various spellings of Richard Sothoron) Maryland

Year County Lib:Fol Tract Acres Rent
1753 STM 39:13 Surthons Desire 125  
  CHA 13:85 pt Two Friends 131¼ 0.2.7½
1754 STM 39:15 Sourthons Desire 125 0.5.0
  CHA 13:89 pt Two Friends 131¼ 0.2.7½
1755 STM 39:15 Sourthons Desire 125 0.5.0
  CHA 13:85 pt Two Friends 131¼ 0.2.7½
1756 STM 39:15 Sothorons Desire 125 0.5.0
  CHA 13:71 pt Two Friends 131¼ 0.2.7½
1757 STM 39:13 Sothorons Desire 125 0.5.0
  CHA 14:71 pt Two Friends 131¼  
1758 STM 39:13 Sothorons Desire 125 0.5.0
  CHA 14:71 pt Two Friends 131¼  
1759 STM 40:11

Sothorons Desire

125 0.5.0
  CHA 14:35 pt Two Friends 131¼  
1760 STM 40:14 Sothorons Desire 125 0.5.0
  CHA 14:41 pt Two Friends 131¼  
1761 STM 40:13 Sothorons Desire 125 0.5.0
  CHA 14:41 pt Two Friends 131¼  
1762 STM 40:11 Sothorons Desire 125 0.5.0
  CHA 15:41 pt Two Friends 131¼ 0.2.7½
1763 STM 40:11 Sothorons Desire 125 0.5.0
  CHA 15:43 pt Two Friends 131¼ 0.2.7½
1764 STM 40:10 Sothorons Desire 125 0.5.0
  CHA 15:45 pt Two Friends 131¼ 0.2.7½
1765 STM 40:10 Sothorons Desire 125 0.5.0
  CHA 15:43 pt Two Friends 131¼ 0.2.7½
1766 STM 40:11 Sothorons Desire 125 0.5.0
  CHA 15:43 pt Two Friends 131¼ 0.2.7½
1767 STM 41:12 Sothoron's Desire 125  

Year County Lib/Fol Lessee Tract Acres
1767 CHA 16:45 Richard Sothoron of St. Marys pt. Two Friends 131¼
      "Error this is charged to Rd. Sothoron-the Lee. must be allowed"
1768 STM 41:10 Richard Sothoron Sothoron's Desire 125
  CHA 16:27 Richard Sothoron of St. Marys pt. Two Friends 131¼
      Richard Sothoron of St. Marys pt. Loving Brothers 51½
1769 STM 41:10 Richard Sothoron Sothoron's Desire 125
  CHA 16:29 Richard Sothoron St. Mary’s pt. Two Friends 131¼
      Richard Sothoron of St. Mary's pt. Loving Brothers 51½
1770 STM 41:15 Richard Sothoron Sothoron's Desire 125
  CHA 16:35 Richard Sothoron St. Mary’s pt. Two Friends 131¼
      Richard Sothoron St. Mary's Pt. Loving Brothers 51½
1771 STM 41:11 Richard Sothoron Sothoron's Desire 125
  CHA 16:23 Richard Sothoron St. Mary’s pt. Two Friends 131¼
      Richard Sothoron of St. Mary's pt. Loving Brothers 51½
1772 CHA 17:72 Richard Sothoron St. Mary’s pt. Two Friends 131¼
      Richard Sothoron St. Mary's pt. Loving Brothers 51½
1773 STM 41:14 Richard Sothoron Sothoron's Desire 125
      Richard Sothoron Sothoron's Venture 27
  CHA 17:88 John Sothern pt. Two Friends 131¼
      Richard Sothern pt. Loving Brothers 51½
1774 STM 41:15 Richard Sothoron Sothoron's Desire 125
      Richard Sothoron Sothoron's Venture 27
  CHA 17:66 Richard Sothern St. Mary’s pt. Two Friends 131¼
      Richard Sothern St. Mary's pt. Loving Brothers 51½

** Church activities - All Faith Parish, St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

The list of parishoners voting at the annual election included Henry G., Samuel, Richard and N.S. Sothoron. (MD Hist Mag 30:352, 1733.05)

 Richard Sothoron appointed Church warden. Richard Sothoron & John M.T. Taney "qualified" to choose tobacco inspectors. (MD Hist Mag 31:18, 1751.04.08)

Richard, Samuel & Henry G. Sothoron were among many petitioners for the induction of Rev. John Stephen into the Parish. Pew #13 assigned to Henry Sothoron. (MD Hist Mag 31:26, 1767.09.22)

Richard Sothoron replaced Samuel Sothoron dec'd as vestryman. (MD Hist Mag 31:27, 1768.04.04)

Henry G. Sothoron replaced Richard Sothoron as vestryman, the latter becoming warden of the new Church. Pews in the new church were auctioned: Jane, John & Samuel Sothoron bought #8; Henry G. Sothoron & Thomas Bond bought #20; Richard, Samuel & Richard Jr. Sothoron bought #24. (MD Hist Mag 31:28, 1769.03.27)

Richard Sothoron moved from church warden to vestryman. (MD Hist Mag 31:30, 1773.05.12)

Richard & Henry Greenfield Sothoron were vestrymen. (MD Hist Mag 31:30, 1774.04.04)

Henry Tubman elected vestryman in place of Richard Sothoron. Henry Greenfield Sothoron appointed a church warden. (MD Hist Mag 31:31, 1776.04.22)

Many parishioners came forth with subscriptions of tobacco, including Henry G., Richard, Levin, Richard Sr. & Samuel Sothoron. (MD Hist Mag 31:32, 1781.04.16)

** Activities as witness, surety & appraiser - Maryland

Was a witness to the 1728 will of John Clarke (see his Notes).

Was a trustee executor for the 1744 will of brother John Johnson Sothoron. As such, became a defendant in action by Baptist & Elizabeth Barber, disputing accuracy & completeness of his inventory. See JJS’ Notes for details.

Was the administrator of the estate of Mary Burch in 1762 (see her Notes).

Witnessed the 1767 will of his brother Samuel, and surety to his executors. Also identified as largest creditor. (see Samuel’s Notes).

Returns from St. Mary's Co. Richard Burroughs his will & Testy. Bond by Hezekiah Burroughs his executor with William Bruce & Richard Sothoron his sureties in the sum of £1,000. (Test Proc 43:281, St. Mary’s Co., 1769.05.03, Recorded 1769.05.29)

** Support of the Revolution

I do swear that I do not hold myself bound to yield any Allegiance or Obedience to the King of Great Britain his heirs or Successors; And that I will be true and faithfull to the State of maryland, and will to the utmost of my power support, maintain and defend the freedom and independance thereof and the Government now Established Against all open Enemies and secret and traitorous conspiraces and will use my utmost Endeavours to disclose and make known to the Governor, or some one of the Judges, or Justices thereof, all Treason and Traitorous conspiraces, attempts or Combinations against this State or the Government thereof, which may come to my knowledge SO HELP ME GOD.

- Administered by Henry Tubman to:

— John J. Sotheron

— Richard Sotheron

— Richard Sotheron, of Richard

— Richard Sotheron, of Samuel

— Samuel Sotheron

- Administered by Henry Greenfield Sothoron to:

— Levin Sotheron. (Chron. St. Mary’s 4:#7, 1778, Recorded 1778.03.02)

"A return of Wheat Mutton and Bacon purchased by Joseph Ford for the use of the Continental Army." Provisions bought from multiple sources between 25 July & 5 Oct 1780, including Richard Sothoran. (Calendar of Maryland State Papers {Red Book* 4 Part 3:113 -XXVI, 138, 715}, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1780.10.20)

** Will & estate - Maryland

Will of Richard Sothoron, planter.

- To sons John & Richard " mill and what land the mill stands upon, and all lands that are necessary for the mill use, to wit Long Look for come at Last, part of Sothorons Desire, and Seagby..."

- To wife (not named) all Negroes, household furniture & other goods she possessed before the marriage, provided she not claim her third part of testators real estate during her life, nor any part of his personal estate.

- To son Richard Sothorons Desire, being part of land the mill stands on; and Sothorons Venture.

- Personal estate to be divided equally "...amongst my children John, Richard, Elisabeth, Mary, Rebecca, Ann and my son Samuel child Benjamin."

- To daughter Ann 5,000 lbs. of tobacco, to apply toward paying for her land.

- Executors: sons John & Richard. Test: James Burroughs, Andrew Moran, Alexander Graham.

- Notation after proof: “The widow stands to the above will.” (Wills JJ#1:193, St. Mary’s Co., 1782.01.21, Proved 1782.02.27)

John Sothoron and Richard Sothoron executors of Richard Sothoron deceased appears in court on a citation against them to show cause why they have not settled the estate of the said deceased continued to next court for settlement. (Fenwick* {Proc Orphans Court :69}, St. Mary’s Co., 1784.02)

On hearing the petition of Jonathan Anderson against Richard and John Sothoron executors of Richard Sothoron deceased Setting forth that have not finally Settled and accounted the Estate of the Said deceased - Ordered by the Court that the Said Executors do Settle & account for the Said Estate within one Month from this time. (Fenwick* {Proc Orphans Court :74}, St. Mary’s Co., 1785.04)

Account of Richard Sothoron, by his executors John & Richard Sothoron. Balance available for distribution per will of dec'd, £61.6.4½. (Distributions {MSA WK-298-1}:14, St. Mary’s Co., 1785.05.27)

** Miscellaneous - Maryland

Second additional account of Elizabeth Lawson admx. of John Lawson. Balance due from deceased to Richard Southern who intermarried with Ann Letchworth, one of the daughters and representatives of Thomas Letchworth dec'd whose widow the dec'd afterwards married, paid £2.7.4. (Accts 48:169, St. Mary’s Co., 1762)

Second additional account of Elizabeth Lawson admx. of John Lawson late of Prince George's Co, planter. "Of a balance due from the decd. to Richard Southern who intermarried with Ann Letchworth one of the daughters & representatives of Thomas Letchworth decd., whose widow the decd. afterwards married." (Admin Accts DD#6:352 {also Accts 48:163/9}, Prince George’s Co., Recorded 1762.07.30)

...Henry Burroughs, aged about 41 years, referred to an old well shown him by Richard Sothoron, deceased, grandfather to the present Dr. William Sothoron, and that it was the boundary between his land and that of James Burroughs and John Johnson Sothoron. (Newman* :88 {Petitions JH#1:491, Leonardtown}, Charles Co., about 1820)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.